The AG3 liquid wax combines all the reliability and other advantages of the G3 series and reduces the cleaning time when polishing with a machine.
Quickly and easily remove P1500 and finer wear scars. One-step operation provides fast cutting and high-brightness effects. Use with water for best results, minimal splashing, saving cleaning time, no silicon.
1. 将G Mop 泡沫盘浸泡在干净的水中。
2. 挤出泡沫盘中多余的水分,并将其连接抛光机。
3. 转动以甩出多余的水分直到抛光盘没有过度的洒溅。
4. 将少量的AG3液态蜡涂在抛光盘或者是漆面上。
5. 启动机器之前,用泡沫盘将抛光蜡涂散开到涂层表面上。
6. 以1500-1800rpm的运行速度开始抛光,直到痕迹被去除。
7. 用喷水瓶喷洒少量干净的水来保持G Mop润湿。根据需要添加更多的AG3液态蜡以彻底去除划痕。