G3 Pro Applicator Pads


When using the G3 Pro series for surface treatment, the G3 Pro Applicator Pads pan can effectively reduce workload and work difficulty, and improve overall work efficiency. Its unique waffle-like dish surface minimizes waste and ensures that you get the best possible surface finish in the shortest amount of time.

Two applicator trays: one for surface repair and one for polishing, which can effectively reduce waste and are easy to use.


1. 请与G3 Pro 划痕去除膏和G3 Pro 漆面重塑剂或G3 Pro 漆面颜色重塑剂配套使用。使用时请保持均匀施压,并前后来回移动的涂抹盘。

2. 请与G3 Pro 超亮棕榈液态蜡或G3 Pro 超亮棕榈膏蜡配套使用。使用时请在均匀压力下圆周走向重复移动涂抹盘。





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